Updated Handbook August 1, 2023

Our Academics
Community Christian Academy (CCA) is a certified School of Quality by The Georgia Accrediting Commission, Inc. Kindergarten through 12th grade. We also provide small class sizes for Pre-K three and four-year-old classes.
The Abeka curriculum is used at all grade levels.
Extra-Curricular Classes
(All Grade Levels)

Offerings within this extra-curricular class vary by grade. Kindergarten through 2nd grade students are introduced to ABCMouse.com. 3rd - 6th grade students use CoolMath.com to promote using strategy and problem solving skills. 7th - 8th grade students utilize ABeka Keyboard to improve and promote typing skills. High School Students are introduced to Google-G Suite and practice using Google docs, sheets and slides.

Visual Arts
Art at CCA is offered to grades 3K through 12th grade. Preschool students have the opportunity to apply what they are learning in their classrooms into their art work, such as colors and shapes and basic art skills such as cutting and coloring. Primary and Elementary students are introduced to different media such as oil pastel and acrylic paint. Middle School students begin to advance using principles of design and elements and how to apply these in their artwork along with art history. High School art is based on the Abeka curriculum Art I and Art II. Art 1 reinforces the skills needed to produce quality art. Art II provides more independent artwork applying the skill learned for their own individual artistic talents.

PreK - 8th grade attend classes for 30-45 minutes once-two times per week. Classes are geared toward the age level of students. Ex. PreK students learn songs (canciones) and dances (bailes) and often perform at Chapel. Older students begin to recognize Spanish Vocabulary and Spelling. High School Spanish I and Spanish II classes are required for graduation and follow the College Preparatory guidelines.

Physical Education
PreK - 8th grade attend classes for 30-45 minutes once or twice per week. Students spend this time in exercises and team sports. High School classes are 1- 1 ½ hours four days per week. Classes include conditioning and weight training as well as Physical Fitness required for high school graduation.

CCA has a school-wide chapel every Friday morning. We pledge allegiance to our country, our Christian Flag, and to the Holy Bible. Students and staff participate in the music and a message from the Word of God, along with speakers from our community.
Parents are always welcome. It is a family affair!
High School Classes

Family and Consumer Science
A life skills class that covers a wide range of topics related to food, physical and mental health as well as a variety of skills such as changing a tire, budgeting, and community interests. Field trips are included to observe others in their workplace.

Worship Band
This class allows students the opportunity to learn worship music, play instruments along with peers, and lead worship for chapels on Fridays, They will also learn important lessons on how to lead worship, what worship is, and why we worship.